Friday, January 11, 2008

Barney on the Loose


The Zoo Keeper - Hello

Informative Neighbor - Did you know Barney is out in the alfalfa field?

(this particular alfalfa field is not ours, because we do not have an alfalfa field)

The Zoo Keeper - No. Thanks for letting me know. Click

So, the Zoo Keeper walks out in the snow to hunt down the wild donkey in the neighbor's alfalfa field .

This is right before Barney started running like he had just watched the "Elaine Dances" episode of Seinfeld. He took off running around like a . . .well . . . like a wild donkey. His legs were kicking out to the side and he was sliding in the snow and we were all busting up watching him. Maybe just I was busting up. The Zoo Keepere was ready to just let him be a wild donkey and fend for himself. Not that it would be so hard for Barney to find food. There's about 100 acres of alfalfa fields all around us. It was for Digging Badger that the Zoo Keeper tried to wrangle him. Digging Badger has wanted a donkey since we went to Oatman, AZ where real wild donkeys walk into town and beg for carrots or apples or whatever you might have that they want. But, back to the story. Barney is just having a hay day, I guess it was more of an alfalfa day, out in the field. Every time the Zoo Keeper got close to him he would go berserk again. So I started making some weird kissy noise and he responded quite nicely. The poor guy just wanted some love. He just wanted to stretch his legs a bit. But now he was hungry. . . and ready to come home. He casually walked over to the hay bale we feed him from and started to help himself.

We opened the gate, threw him a flake and in he went. Like he just wanted us to know he was out in the cold and somebody better start showing him some appreciation for the morning wake up calls.

Did I mention Barney thinks he's a rooster?

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