Saturday, June 21, 2008


We enjoyed a much anticipated visit from the Arizona Cousins and Aunt K last week. Isn't it wonderful how cousins can just pick up were they left off, as if no time has passed?
Little Lady just loved having "sisters" for the week. They played dress up and played with the kittens endlessly. Every now and then we stopped them to go do something really fun, but I think they would have been just as happy to stay at the house and play.

The boys and the Arizona Cousins used to ride bikes together in Grandpa's over sized driveway back when we lived in AZ. Little Lady was too little, but she joined in the fun this time.

The girls with batty the cat.

There was a creative group of cousins in the front yard making sculptures and golf balls out of play dough (mud and mini marshmallows that had been shot from marshmallow bows all week)

Our mud rule is: get as dirty as you want, but you will get hosed off before you come in the house and the well water is cold.
So, they opted for the water rocket.

I was a little breezy all week and that can make an Arizona girl chilly!

Contemplating if it is really hot enough to run through the water . . .

(notice the difference in skin tone)

. . . In the end they did get wet but it was a "huge mistake".

We had a great time with you girls during your visit. Thanks for coming to see us!

We miss you all.

Cousin to cousin we'll always be,
Special friends from the same family tree.

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