Saturday, December 15, 2007

A Visit with Grandma and Grandpa

My parents were here visiting last week and we had a great time with them. The kids spent Monday playing in the fresh snow. When they came in to warm up we played games and drank hot chocolate. We exchanged our gifts with them while they were here since we won't be together on Christmas. The kids made ornaments and had a few other special gifts for Grandma and Grandpa. My parents gave the boys a train set, which they have been playing with every spare moment since they opened it.
My Dad has always loved trains, and there is a 100 year old train station in our little city. It is no longer used, but has been kept up and can be rented out for gatherings. My dad also likes to do geo-caching. There is a cache at the train station, so we went to find it. Wyatt found it right away. Then we walked around and looked at all the character in the old building. We could see a train coming off in the distance, so we waited for it to pass by. The kids waved to the engineer and counted all the cars. We looked for a few more caches close by and walked around the water wheel. The whole wheel was covered in a sheet of ice and huge icicles. Big chunks of ice were sliding off of it even though it was still freezing outside. By lunchtime, the wind started to pick up and we were ready to do something inside.
We had a great time with you Grandma and Grandpa!

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