Thursday, January 31, 2008

He Loves Me. . .He Loves Me Not. . .He Loves Me!

As I write this I have been married to The Zoo Keeper for 5247 days, 20 hours, and 18 minutes And I am so glad! When he came home from work on Tuesday morning, he had this with him.Just because. . .

Just because he is so sweet and thoughtful.

Just because he knew it would make my day.

Just because he thinks I am the greatest.

Just because I take care of his children.

Just because he is not particulary fond of doing the laundry.

Just because he likes it when he doesn't have to eat cheerios for dinner.

Just because he likes to keep me happy.

Just because I cleaned out his truck that a curious cat had climbed into two days before and shed all over and used as a litter box.

Just because. . . He loves me!

And I would happily do all those things for him and our family, even without getting a red rose now and then, but it sure does make me smile to see it on the table while I am cooking dinner and doing the dishes and teaching math.I worked in a flower shop when I was in high school, and let me tell you, I would much rather have a single red rose on just any day because he loves me, than three dozen red roses on the day when half the world gets red roses just because that is what you're supposed to do. 14 years, 4 months, 12 days, 20 hours, and 18 minutes ago I thought I was as happy as I could ever be. I was wrong.

1 comment:

Casa of Corn said...

That is so sweet. Real love, you two are very blessed! Thumbs up to Zoo-keeper for getting one rose just because. You guys are marriage inspire-ers.