Tuesday, February 05, 2008

25 Ways to Love Your Kids

1. Celebrate everyday accomplishments. Make a special dinner with your child as the guest of honor to toast loosing a tooth, making the soccer team, doing great on their school work and more.

2. Read "just one more book" even if it's late

3. Get messy with your kids. Make snow angels, put your hands in finger paint and mush up clay.

4. Stop washing the dishes and talking on the phone and get to their level and really listen when they are talking to you.

5. Let your children overhear you complimenting them to someone else.

6. Read the comics together.

7. Send your child a card in the mail, with stickers, a coupon for something fun or a treat inside.

8. Play hide and seek together.

9. Help them wash their bike or tricycle with as much effort as you put into washing your vehicle . . . Maybe even wax it.

10. Plant a tree. Watch them grow up together.

11. Love their Daddy!

12. Take them on a one-on-one date.

13. Praise good effort not just good results.

14. Get out their scrapbooks and tell your children stories about their beginnings.

15. Bend the rules occasionally.

16. Cut their sandwiches into fun shapes with cookie cutters.

17. Cook something together.

18. Do a jigsaw puzzle together.

19. Take them camping. . .even if it's just in the back yard or living room.

20. Have a family game night.

21. Go on a treasure hunt. . .shells, rocks, whatever.

22. Frame their artwork.

23. Smile. . . even when you're tired.

24. Build lots of blanket forts. . . Big ones.

25. Delight in silliness.

26. Tell them they are amazing.

27. Say "I love you", hug them.

28. Say it again. Hug them again.


homesweetidahome said...

How funny! We are memorizing 1 Cor. 13:4-8 this week! By the way, are you skiing with us on Friday? Let me know...Laurisa

Casa of Corn said...

Hey, sorry but your 25 ways/children doesn't count- you included 28...what kind of editor were you, anyway? :) Sports-Guy