Saturday, June 21, 2008

Happy Summer

Nothing says summer better than a lemonade stand.
We signed up to be part of the Crayons Lemonade Brigade. They sent us the blank cardboard stand and about 100 cans of lemonade to sell, to raise money for a charity of our choice. We chose Love Inc., which bands churches together to provide food, clothes and other services for people in need. We had a great time decorating our stand together. Unfortunately, our sales were not very good. Actually, we sat in the very hot sun for about and hour and a half at a local golf course and only sold two, TWO, cans of lemonade. It was a bit disappointing, but it was our best option for today. I was really surprised that so many businesses turned down charitable work by children. I called at least 10 places and everyone had a reason why we could not sell on their premises. I don't remember needing a permit to sell lemonade when I was a kid. Do you? All in all, the kids and I had a fun day together, even though we still have a big stack of lemonade to sell.


Anonymous said...

How neat! I've never heard of the Lemonade Brigade. That would be a super idea for someone to do at a festival or other kind of gathering.

Anonymous said...

I think it's AWESOME! If I had a business out there, they could sell in my parking lot or on the sidewalk out front! You rock, as do your kids. So glad to see some new posts. I have been checking and wondering how the chicks were growing! (and the kids too hahaha)