Tuesday, February 12, 2008

The Mall is Scary

Yesterday we went to the mall to have Little Lady's pictures taken. When we didn't have a mall I always wished we did, but seriously, I have been there maybe three times since we moved here. And yesterday I realized why.

After we had her pictures taken, we walked around for a while. We saw a woman who appeared to be getting ready to go to her second job. She was working at one of the kiosks in the mall, except she was preparing to go to her waitress job at HOOTERS. She had her "uniform" on and her shirt was short and her shorts were shorter and she had both her hands up over her head working on her hair. She glowed from a recent trip to the tanning salon. I had to turn my son's head for him as we walked by her. And then I closed his mouth for him. Seven . . .he is seven.

Then waiting for us just around the corner was a man? dressed in a bright red suit with a silky, pink, ruffled shirt underneath. He had lots of bling and a white curly wig, or really wiggy looking hair. He looked as though he just walked out of the pages of Alice in Wonderland, only freakier. I actually looked around to see if the mall had some sort of play, or valentine photo spot set up that he was taking a break from. There was nothing.

We went up and down the escalator way more than we needed to, we had ice cream, (thanks Grandma and Grandpa) and walked through the pet shop. Then we went and picked up the pictures. They turned out cute, but I’m not sure if they were worth a trip to the mall.


Casa of Corn said...

CUTE photos! Yes, the mall is like landing on a different planet and far too "educational" for my children-- and for me & my husband!!! Hey, did the Alice in Wonderland "person" look at you funny when you were taking a picture of your ice-cream with your cell phone? You might be on someones blog right now, ha ha! I hate going to the mall. Thanks again for watching Bed-bug and quenching my parchedness! Love Farm-girl ;)

Anonymous said...

Ok, she is adorable! And, yes, the pictures were worth the trip. Debriefing the kids might be a little work though ;) hahaha

homesweetidahome said...

The pictures of your Little Lady are too cute! She is very photogenic!