Monday, February 18, 2008

Spring Fever

They can feel it in their bones. . . spring is coming.

Crazy Fox and Digging Badger could not control themselves anymore.
They had to go outside . . . barefoot.
It was a beautiful day, but still cold.
The snow is melting, revealing again, a thick muddy mess, were one day soon grass will be planted. But they could not be stopped. Boys can sense warmer days coming. They went out back and emptied out the toy chest, one by one, reliving all the fun they had with each toy last summer. Then came out the golf clubs and the golf balls. There was a different course than last time they played golf. Instead of weed divots flying, yesterday there were small chunks of slushy ice. Where they once had to dig a small pond and fill it with a hose there were natural water hazards waiting in the form of melted snow puddles.

This one is blurry, because the poor boy could not stand still long enough for me to snap a picture.

Little Lady decided to watch from what she thought was a safe distance. But even from the doorway, she got mud splattered on her dress up princess dress.


homesweetidahome said...

You guys have spring fever worse than us! Missed you yesterday!

Casa of Corn said...

Oh fun, MUD!! Sure missed seeing you and the kids yesterday! I know spring is coming because the ants decided to invade our house and the starlings are building their nest in our attic- above our bedroom, so, they make some noise. Happy almost spring! *Farm-girl