Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy New Year

Glory to God in highest heaven, Who unto man His Son hath given;
While angels sing with tender mirth, A glad new year to all the earth.
Martin Luther

What a reason to celebrate!
We have been blessed with a fresh new start. The thought of a new year is always exciting to me. It is a clean slate that has so many possibilities. There's always the normal on my "To Do list". . . eat healthier, be more organized, work at keeping the household in order and (the contradicting) leave the mess and play with the kids. But, my plan for this year is to spend more time with my kids while I teach them how to clean! Why have I not put the two together before?! This way I will be working on most of my list all at once. As far as the eating healthier part, we are planning on doing a nutrition study when we start back to school next week, so we will be working together (with a lot of guidance), on menu planning and snack charts and shopping lists and making healthy food choices. My theory is that if the kids are more involved maybe they will eat something besides Cheerios and beef jerky! So. . . I think it seems like a great time to celebrate. By this time next year I should have three kids who choose broccoli over Wendy's hamburgers . . .who clear their plates and wash the dishes without being asked . . who check to see if there is anything else they can do to be helpful before they go out to have a jump roping challenge between themselves, but not before they tell me, "We really all win, because it is good for us to get out and move"!Watch for yourself. . . Do you think this energy can be harnessed?

This is our Sparkly-Tacky-Loud as you can be for one minute-Not a care in the world New Year's 2008 celebration!

They wanted to do a practice take before we used the confetti, and Little Lady just could not get her crown to cooperate!

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