Saturday, January 26, 2008

Watching the Paint Dry

We have always painted and installed new carpet or flooring and done all the major re-doing BEFORE we moved in. But because our last move was to a new state and a fifteen hour drive, that wasn't really our best option. So the plan was "One room at a time". As in, we will decide what we want to do in each room, move the stuff out, paint, carpet, lather, rinse, repeat. So, nearly two years later we have made our first decision. (Which I guess is lucky because had we painted Little Lady's room a few months ago, I can guarantee it would have been in a shade of pink, but procrastinating has actually saved the day in this case.

So, we went to our home improvement mega center of choice and matched paint samples to the fabric that is to be made into curtains. This is the fabric that I chose after searching through bolts and bolts of fabric to find just the perfect pattern for my sweet little girl's room. This was four year's ago, back when Little Lady was the reason that my favorite jeans had to find their way back to my closet, in the very back. That excuse has long since expired and those jeans are not in style anymore, which in okay, because they still don't fit. So we have the perfect fabric with a soft, calming shade of pink in the background. But instead we are matching the color samples to the purple flowers on this fabric.

So, while The Zookeeper is working, all the inhabitants of this crazy home go to work on Little Lady's room.

Digging Badger was very eager to start painting. His blog name is very fitting. He was badgering me all day, "Can we paint? Can we paint? Can we paint?" I explained to him that preparing the walls is very important. Like any good and patient mom, I told him things like masking off and taping over the outlets is all just as imprtant as a good paint job. He said, "Can you just call me when you're ready to paint? Oh, and can I open the paint can by myself?"
So I did, and he did.

I decided that it might be best for all involved if they took turns helping me paint. So, after Digging Badger finished one wall, he dutifully called his brother and told him it was his turn. Crazy Fox came in wearing the only pair of boy jeans we own that do not have holes in the knees. I told him to go change. He came in wearing the only pair of boy jeans we own that has only one hole in the knees, but they are getting short. So I began again, the painting lesson, thinking in the back of my head, some day he is going to buy a home of his own and he will know how to paint it, because I spent this afternoon following him with my roller, showing him how to go back and smooth out lines and drips. I think we'll hold off on the cutting in lessons for now. All in all, they did a great job. And Little Lady kept herself busy right up until the end when she came in and leaned against the wet wall and said "Yep, I like purple".

1 comment:

Casa of Corn said...

Great Job on the painting, Mr. Fox and Mr. Badger! I'm sure your sister appreciates her newly painted room.