Saturday, February 02, 2008

Happy Groundhog Day

Well, according to a famous rodent, we have six more weeks of winter to look forward to. I will admit, that after all the cold weather and snow we have had, yesterday I did have a yearning for spring. The sun was out and it was almost 40 degrees. The ice patches on our driveway had melted and it was almost dry. And then this morning we had a fresh dusting of snow, but the sun is out now. I love living in an area with four distinct seasons. Just about the time you can't take any more heat, it starts to cool down and the leaves turn. And then before you know it the pumpkins have been carved and it starts getting cold. Next thing we know our spring bulbs will be popping up through the defrosting ground. I am looking forward to spring, but am content with a few more weeks of winter.

Phil's official forecast as read 2/2/08 at sunrise at Gobbler's Knob:

Here Ye! Here Ye! Here Ye!
On Gobbler's Knob on this fabulous Groundhog Day, February 2nd, 2008 Punxsutawney Phil, the Seer of Seers, Prognosticator of all Prognosticators, Rose to the call of President Bill Cooper and greeted his handlers, Ben Hughes and John Griffiths.
After casting a weathered eye toward thousands of his faithful followers, Phil consulted with President Cooper and directed him to the appropriate scroll, which proclaimed:
"As I look around me, a bright sky I see, and a shadow beside me. Six more weeks of winter it will be!" Here's the official Groundhog day site.

1 comment:

Casa of Corn said...

Yep, grilled groundhog tonight!
(I have a poll on the left side of my blog now,you'll have to take it)