Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Thank you Grandma

On our way out yesterday we checked our mailbox and there was a surprise from White Grandma and White Grandpa. (Another story for another post). The kids where so delighted to find Baskin-Robbins bucks in their Valentine cards. So, while we were at the mall yesterday, after the pictures, they spent their Baskin-Robbins bucks. Sorry the pictures are so grainy, I took them with my phone.

Digging Badger went with his favorite, cookies 'n' cream or in Badger talk "Oreo".

Crazy fox had his regular, chocolate chip cookie dough.

And Little Lady wanted chocolate. Just plain chocolate. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that!

It was great timing, because just Monday I was day dreaming about chocolate-peanut-butter ice cream while I should have been concentrating on teaching the boys math. You may have saved their educations!

1 comment:

Casa of Corn said...

That's my favorite B&R ice cream- the chocolate peanut butter, and now I want it because it's right there on my screen- but I can't have it! Temptress! *Farm-girl