Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Oh Shoot

We went out to the hills this afternoon to shoot some clays with some friends.
Nothing says redneck like taking the kids out for target practice.
Here's Crazy Fox taking aim.
Digging Badger taking his shot.
Little Lady and her friend G enjoying some snacks.
The boys went sledding down this hill last week. When they were telling me all about it and how fast they were going I thought they were exaggerating. It is really steep. Today, the snow was mostly melted, so they just pushed their big cars down it with their friend C while they waited to shoot.


Casa of Corn said...

I love redneck, target practice, shooting fun! I used to do that myself, it's been back a spell though. I'll have to join y'all some time,(like how I jist invite myself over)-- That's a redneck thang too in't it? *Farm-girl

homesweetidahome said...

Thanks for all the redneck fun y'all! We'll hav'ta do it a'gin! And yes, my pects. are sore!